

This is another photo shoot from our September trip to Japan. In Tokyo, every little alleyway is an amazing place for a photo shoot! We walked for only a couple of hours, and I was so short of time, I wanted to see all the nooks and crannies… But the 35-degree Celsius heat took all my energy… 

The temperature in Tokyo is usually 9 to 10 degrees higher than outside the city. The reason for this is the huge amount of infrastructure radiating heat into space, plus the 13 million inhabitants whose bodies also heat the air around them.

In general, it’s amazing how layered this city is. Sometimes it seems that you are on the first floor — parking, sidewalks, cafes, trees… but it turns out that it’s the fiftieth floor 

But for me, it’s more interesting to walk on the real “first floor” of the city. It seems to be the place of the “lower” stratum of society, but it is still clean, there is some ethnicity, reality, and trashiness. 


Valentine’s Studio Minis